
Kay and Del found us on the side of the road in Saint Lary on SBS TV. We are in disguise with cameras in our faces but it is proof we were there!

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And while they were taking photos of us, we were taking photos of them.


Today ended in Lourdes but began with a drive over the mountain the Tour rode over after we saw them on Sunday. Lots of riders following their tracks as well.The front seat passenger became somewhat nervous as we passed many campervans returning from their overnight camp on the summit and once or twice she had a great view down the side of the mountain but once again we survived one more skinny road.

Many campers were still there. And what a place to camp! France has some incredibly beautiful mountain scenery none better than the section we drove through today.


We made our pilgrimage to the sanctuary in Lourdes and were amazed at the procession of people, young and old, well and unwell, walking and in wheelchairs, good knees and bad, all passing by the grotto, filling water bottles from the spring or lighting candles, some as big as cannons. It was certainly an interesting afternoon.



One Reply to “Lourdes”

  1. Gees Dad, the photo of the 2 ladies in front of the candles in Lourdes could almost be Nana and Muriel! At first glance I thought I was seeing ghosts… Must just be the angle.

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